Saturday, 4 February 2012

Self-Publishing and Marketing

Self-publishing is a good option for entrepreneurs because as part of a their strategic offer an ebook presents an easily digestible focus for marketing. Many authors aren't like this and find promotion very difficult so the lure of a traditional publisher seems attractive. However, in this ultra-competitive modern world, where everyone has a book in them, and the means to distribute it, it is impossible to avoid self-promotion in order to create any form of success. A traditional publisher confers respectability but to get the book published in the first place either an agent or an editor has to be persuaded that not only can an author write, but what can they do to help promote their book. The best advice anyone can give to any aspiring writing, in any subject, is *learn how to market*, *learn how to use social media effectively*, *learn how to harness your local press and traditional media.* With these things in your armoury it is possible to build an audience by engaging with potential readers directly and settle in to a means of sustainable communication that works for you, the author. Making the ebook is the easy bit, marketing it effectively is what makes the difference between a bestseller and just another title on a long list of worthy but unread titles.

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